Prezi   Prezi is a cloud based presentation website.  As an instructional design tool, it allows students and instructors to create presentations with uploaded images, videos, and text.  The presentation can be embedded in websites or provided to students.  Prezi allows students and instructors to work either collaboratively and or individually to create a presentation for classroom discussion or presentation.

Google Slides   Google slides is a cloud based presentation tool.  This tool allows students and teachers to create presentations with embedded images, websites, videos, and text.  Google Slides allows students and educators to work collaboratively or individually to create presentations and foster classroom discussion.  Presentations can be made public or shared with the class through a link.  This like make many google products can be used easily by students outside the classroom.

Thinglink   Thinglink is a presentation tool.  It allows users to create presentations with uploaded, images, videos, text, and music.   This tool is useful for creating interactive presentations for complex concepts.  The tagging feature of this sites allows educators to provide students with additional information and links to website for further exploration.

Nearpod   Nearpod is a multiservice tool.  It allows educators to create presentations that work with multiple platforms.   Content can be shared via slideshows and/or videos.